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Here are Some Reasons You Might be Constantly Tired, Despite Everything

Here are Some Reasons You Might be Constantly Tired, Despite Everything ,All of us wish we had more energy but for some it is a bigger problem than for others. If you find yourself waking up every morning and feeling completely drained, or getting home from work and having no will to do anything, then you might be at your tether’s end trying to find solutions.

Why will nothing work? Why do all the ‘life hacks’ end up disappointing? There are a few different possibilities…

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You Are Stressed

This sounds like an obvious one but if you are very stressed at work then you might find yourself with very little motivation or energy outside of it. This is also true if you’re over training or generally pushing yourself too far.

The problem here is ‘adrenal fatigue’, which basically means that you’ve pushed the hormones and neurotransmitters in your body that are responsible for arousal too far. Eventually, these run dry and you’re left feeling drained and listless.

The aim then is either to identify the cause of the stress/fatigue and eliminate it from your routine, or to find better ways of coping and managing it. Often, just taking a well-needed rest can be a big help!

Your Environment is Bad

If you find yourself feeling rough in the mornings, then this could be the result of something damaging in your immediate environment where you sleep. Common examples include mold or allergens coming through the window. You may be suffering from hay fever! Likewise, too much or too little moisture in the air can also cause similar problems.


Another reason we sometimes feel drained is that we’re missing out on important nutrients. If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, this can cause tiredness as well as other symptoms like tingling extremities. Likewise, deficiencies in various other nutrients can cause a range of other problems from brain fog, to headaches, to poor sleep.

Make sure you are eating a balanced diet and consider a blood test if your energy levels are chronically low.

Think too about more basic things – if you aren’t getting enough water for example, this alone can be enough to seriously hurt your energy levels and your overall well being. Likewise, so too can not eating enough generally!


Your hormone balance is largely responsible for your energy levels, as well as your physique and our mood. A lot of things can affect this, from numerous health conditions, to a generally fast or slow metabolism, to medications. If you find it hard to lose or gain weight and your energy levels are low, then again, consider seeing your doctor as you may find that you have a hormonal imbalance.


As mentioned, medications can impact on your hormone balance (such as the oral contraceptive pill), while other medications – like sleeping aids – can also have lasting negative impacts. Sleep medications in particular will often leave you feeling groggy and the same can be said of anti-anxiety medications and anxiolytics.

Don’t write it off if you’re always tired, see someone about it!

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